- lay\ over
fay over smth. /smth. over/ lay over a meeting (a conference, a match, etc.) откладывать собрание и т. д.
English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.
lay over (at …) — ˌlay ˈover (at/in…) derived (NAmE) to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey related noun ↑layover see also ↑stop over Main entry: ↑lay … Useful english dictionary
lay over (in …) — ˌlay ˈover (at/in…) derived (NAmE) to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey related noun ↑layover see also ↑stop over Main entry: ↑lay … Useful english dictionary
lay over — index continue (adjourn), delay Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
lay over — verb 1. interrupt a journey temporarily, e.g., overnight (Freq. 1) We had to stop over in Venezuela on our flight back from Brazil • Syn: ↑stop over • Derivationally related forms: ↑stopover (for: ↑stop over), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
lay over — {v.} 1. To put off until later; delay; postpone. * /We voted to lay the question over to our next meeting for decision./ 2. To arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing the journey. * /We had to lay over in St. Louis for two hours… … Dictionary of American idioms
lay over — {v.} 1. To put off until later; delay; postpone. * /We voted to lay the question over to our next meeting for decision./ 2. To arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing the journey. * /We had to lay over in St. Louis for two hours… … Dictionary of American idioms
lay\ over — v 1. To put off until later; delay; postpone. We voted to lay the question over to our next meeting for decision. 2. To arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing the journey. We had to lay over in St. Louis for two hours waiting… … Словарь американских идиом
lay over — stay overnight while traveling On the way to Winnipeg, we usually lay over in Regina … English idioms
lay over — arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing a journey We were told that we will have to lay over in London for nine hours before we go on to Kenya … Idioms and examples
lay over — Synonyms and related words: adjourn, apply to, blanket, block, canopy, cloak, clothe, cloud, continue, cope, cover, cover up, cowl, curtain, defer, delay, drag out, eclipse, extend, film, hang fire, hang up, hold off, hold over, hold up, hood,… … Moby Thesaurus
lay over — v. put on top; cover; spread over; make a short stop over during a journey n. short stop over during a trip … English contemporary dictionary